
People wanting to lose weight and get in shape

People wanting to lose weight and get in shape, keep making the same mistakes over and over again.  I have seen my very own Orange County Gym clients make the very same nutritional mistakes.  When it comes to losing pure fat, you have to do a few things right.  Most of all, you must eat the right kinds of foods.
I want to share with you some nutritional tips that will have you dropping those unwanted pounds faster than you ever thought possible.  There are certain foods, disguised as healthy foods, that you must avoid at all costs if you ever want to get a lean and tone body.  Since becoming a gym coach, I have discovered a variety of foods that make you fat.
To begin, you must avoid all tv dinner foods.  I don't care what they say on the package,tn requin, "Healthy Choice" or "Lean Cuisine", they are all unhealthy foods that are disguised and marketed as healthy foods so you will buy it and the big corporate companies will make huge profits at the expense of your health.
Second, you must avoid all soft drinks, especially diet sodas.  I bet I surprised you with that one.  Diet soda contain saccharin, which over the long term,nike jordan, interferes with your endocrine system,shox rivalry, thus causing you to gain weight.  You should stay away from all diet drinks and not use saccharin at all.
Third, you must also stay away from dairy foods.  Milk does not do a body good.  The only milk that is meant for human consumption is your mother's breast milk.  Dairy foods, except for free-range chicken eggs, thicken the skin and cause damage to your body.  Also, traditional milk has been pasteurized and is totally unhealthy for humans.  The more milke you drink and the longer you consume it,chaussures de football, the greater the chance you will become lactose intolerant.  Many of my gym clients could not believe this at all when I first told them.  But, it's true.
Last but not least, do not consume any wheat products.  I know this one is a shocker.  It was a shocker for my gym clients as well.  You see, wheat products contain a chemical called gluten.  The consumption of gluten causes you to retain estrogen, a female hormone.  When this happens, you will hold a ton of excess water, causing you to look puffy and incredibly bloated.  This can also lead to weight gain.    One of the worst products is wheat pasta.  It will be alright if you eat a little once in a while.  But, just don't go overboard.
As you can see, these are foods that many call healthy foods.  But, they really are not.  The big corporate food manufacturers want you to believe that these foods are healthy so they can make a fast buck.  To make these easier for you, just eat raw and natural foods that have not been any type of processing.  That is the same thing I tell my  clients.  And don't forget this, if the food comes from a manufacturing plant, then it is totally unhealthy for you.  But, if the food item comes from a plant, then it is totally healthy for you.

