
Moving On The Internet surfing is now the latest human activity

The colossal boom of the Internet catapulted the world to a higher level. The virtual view provided by the net blossomed to other Internet applications having tremendous effects to the human lives. Indeed, the Internet turns out to be the most vital ingredient in humanity today.

The innovation of the Internet allows the *Internet surfing. The Internet surfing is now the latest human activity, next to watching television. This Internet activity is done by browsing over millions of websites accessed on the World Wide Web. Computer software companies and phone companies are making modern applications of the internet that will further make internet surfing available to the consumers and users in general.

Dramatic universal changes brought about by the mobile phone system were only the beginning. The last decade saw the successful advance of the cellular phone. The mobile phone replaced the classic instrument in communication. Mobile phones are now created for purposes of mobility and design and are integrated with savvy features. The modern mobile-phone features include trendy designs, image-capturing devices, and the conference calling modes.

The list of *mobile phone achievements* do not end there. Phone companies are continuing their task in providing people with the latest cellular phone advances. The latest of this innovation is internet surfing on a mobile phone, thus web searches on the cellular phone are a few 'key ins' away. Phone companies have innovated the system called the wireless application protocol or better known as WAP,nike shox, which enables the cellular phone Internet surfing.

The number of mobile phone users exceed the population of computer users. This statistics show that there are more market space available to mobile phone users. That is why, phone companies and business magnates unite to attract more consumers by using the mobile phone internet surfing.

Mobile Top Level Domain (mTLD) is a circle of phone companies that include Google, Ericsson, Nokia,christian louboutin, T-Mobile, Vodafone,nike air max, Microsoft, and Samsung Electronics. This circle of companies is behind the mobile phone Internet surfing. mTLD has registered mobile internet surfing program under the .mobi domain. mTLD is geared towards the promotion of the cellular phone internet surfing despite some speculations as to the capacity of a mobile phone to access the internet.

Internet surfing is normally available on computers with Internet connection. But mTLD is convinced of the triumphant shift to mobile Internet surfing. This mobile surfing is easier and very convenient compared to the computer surfing. This makes the appeal of mobile surfing even more interesting.

Business enterprises that will register under the .mobi domain can take advantage of this innovation. Online businesses have a new avenue of sales and promotions through the mobile phones. The international market will strengthen as more consumers can easily access market products on the cellular phone.

There are certain arguments rising from the mobile phone Internet surfing. Some website addresses of business enterprises are lengthy and have to be revised for cellular phone capacity. mTLD have addressed this issue by converting the website addresses into the mobile phone format under the .mobi domain. mTLD also stated that easy access for the users is the company's number one mission.

There are still restrictions as to the range of the cellular phone surfing. Not all websites are willing to register to another domain. Registering to another domain,rolex, in this case, would mean additional payments for address conversions to mobile format. Making another *domain registration* also means maintaining two domains, both for computer users and mobile phone users. Some companies also expressed concerns on the speed of the Internet on the mobile phone. Big companies like Yahoo, 20th Century Fox, and Sony have already signed up for the. Mobi registration. Sooner or later, other companies will certainly follow soon.

Some say that mobile phones still have limitations in Internet surfing. The viewing contents and the phone properties are not fully developed to match Internet surfing standards. Phone companies are taking this matter seriously.

The extent of the Internet is now beginning to be mobile. This latest offering of the digital world will surely make Internet surfing easy everywhere. Mobile phones used to be limited to making calls only. Now, phones are made for Internet surfing. This new technology will undoubtedly improve the quality of our lives.

